International CV Epigenetics meeting

The Foo-lab hosted 17 visiting professors and senior scientists to an International CV Epigenetics meeting in Singapore. This is in hope of making it an annual gathering for all of us who work on CV epigenetics research. Visiting Professors included Yibin Wang (UCLA), Joe Hill (UTSouthwestern), Sap Haldar (Gladstone Institute), Michael Potente (Max Planck Institute for Heart Lung Research), Gianluigi Condorelli (Humanitas University), Johannes Backs (University Hospital Heidelberg), Lutz Hein (University of Freiburg), Tim McKinsey (UC Denver), Sam El-Osta (Monash University), Len Pennacchio (Joint Genome Institute) and Christoph Mack (University of Saarland). The meeting was a 2-day filled series of talks and posters, culminating in an evening in the highest rooftop bar and restaurant in town (282m above ground), sponsored by Illumina.


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