Robust CTCF-Based Chromatin Architecture Underpins Epigenetic Changes in the Heart Failure Stress-Gene Response. Lee DP, Tan WLW, Anene-Nzelu CG, Lee CJM, Li PY, Luu TDA, Chan CX, Tiang Z, Ng SL, Huang X, Efthymios M, Autio MI, Jiang J, Fullwood MJ, Prabhakar S, Lieberman Aiden E, Foo RS. Circulation. 2019 Apr 16;139(16):1937-1956. Pubmed. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.036726.
Mapping of γ/δ T cells reveals Vδ2+ T cells resistance to senescence. Xu W, Monaco G, Wong EH, Tan WLW, Kared H, Simoni Y, Tan SW, How WZY, Tan CTY, Lee BTK, Carbajo D, K G S, Low ICH, Mok EWH, Foo S, Lum J, Tey HL, Tan WP, Poidinger M, Newell E, Ng TP, Foo R, Akbar AN, Fülöp T, Larbi A. EBioMedicine. 2019 Jan;39:44-58. Pubmed. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.11.053. Epub 2018 Dec 7.
M Jonsson, R Hartman, M Ackers-Johnson, W Tan, B Lim, T A B van Veen, R S Foo. A genomic and epigenomic comparison of fetal and adult human cardiac fibroblasts reveal novel key transcription factors in adult cardiac fibroblasts. J Am Coll Card Bas Trans Sci. July 2016. In press.
Hendrik G Stennenberg, The International Human Epigenome Consortium, Martin Hirst. The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A blueprint for scientific collaboration and discovery. Cell 2018 Nov 17;167(5):1145-1149. PubMed
W Tan, B Lim, C Anene-Nzelu, M Ackers-Johnson, K See, Z Tiang, W Chua, T Luu, P Li, AM Richards, DP Lee, R Foo. A landscape of circular RNA expression in the human heart. Cardiovasc Res. In press.
J Lim, M Zafra, J Mocanu, G de Lima Lopes, R Foo, I Umareddy, A Jha, L Hickinbotham. Preparing health systems in Southeast and East Asia for new paradigms of care / personalised medicine in cancer: are healthy systems ready for evolving cancer management? J Asian Publ Policy. July 2016. PubMed
Izumi K, Brett M, Nishi E, Foo R, Passemard S, Tan E-C, El Ghouzzi V, Shirahige K. ARCN1 mutations cause a recognizable craniofacial syndrome due to COPI-mediated transport defects. Am J Hum Genet. 2016. Aug 4;99(2):451-9. PubMed
H Wakimoto, JG Seidman, RS Foo, J Jiang. AAV9 delivery of shRNA to the mouse heart. Curr Protoc Mol Biol. 2016 Jul 1;115:23.16.1-9. PubMed
R Bhattacharyya, AM Tan, MY Chan, R Foo, S Jamuar, R Iyer. T-cell receptor αβ and CD19 depleted haploidentical stem cell transplant with reduced intensity conditioning for Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome with RTEL1 mutation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2016 May;51:753-754. PubMed
Matthew Ackers-Johnson, Peter Y Li, Andrew P Holmes, Sian-Marie O’Brien, Davor Pavlovic and Roger S Foo. A Simplified, Langendorff-Free Method for Concomitant Isolation of Viable Cardiac Myocytes and Non-Myocytes from the Adult Mouse Heart. Circ Res 2016 Sep 30;119(8):909-20. PubMed
Jamuar SS, Kuan JL, Brett M, Tiang Z, Wilson TLW, Lim YL, Liew KML, Javed A, Liew WK, Law HY, Tan ES, Lai A, Ng I, Teo YY, Venkatest B, Reversade B, Tan EC, Foo RS. Incidentalome from Genomic Sequencing: A Barrier to Personalized Medicine? EBioMedicine. 2016 Feb 4;5:211-6. PubMed
A. Vujic, E. Robinson, S. Haider, M. Movassagh, A. Ferguson-Smith, R.S. Foo. Experimental heart failure modeled by the cardiomyocyte-specific loss of an epigenome modifier, DNMT3B. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Mar 14;82:174-83. PubMed
Rachmin I, Foo RS, Razin E. Erbin, et al. FHL2 switches MITF from activator to repressor of Erbin expression during cardiac hypertrophy. Int J Cardiol. 2015 May 20;195:85-94. PubMed
Chong JH, Jamuar SS, Ong C, Thoon KC, Tan ES, Lai A, Aan MK, Wilson TLW, Foo R, Tan EC, Lau YL, Liew WK. Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome (THE-S): two cases and review of the literature. Eur J Pediatr. 2015 May 15;174(10):1405-11. PubMed
Wong LL, Wee AS, Lim JY, Ng JY, Chong JP, Liew OW, Lilyanna S, Martinez EC, Ackers-Johnson MA, Vardy LA, Armugam A, Jeyaseelan K, Ng TP, Lam CS, Foo RS, Richards AM, Chen YT. Natriuretic peptide receptor 3 (NPR3) is regulated by microRNA-100. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 May;82:13-21. PubMed
Lim JH, Ravikumar S, Wang YM, Thamboo TP, Ong L, Chen J, Goh JG, Tay SH, Chengchen L, Win MS, Leong W, Lau T, Foo R, Mirza H, Tan KS, Sethi S, Khoo AL, Chng WJ, Osato M, Netea MG, Wang Y, Chai LY. Bimodal Influence of Vitamin D in Host Response to Systemic Candida Infection-Vitamin D Dose Matters. J Infect Dis. 2015 Aug 15;212(4):635-44. PubMed
Pilbrow AP, Cordeddu L, Cameron VA, Frampton CM, Troughton RW, Doughty RN, Whalley GA, Ellis CJ, Yandle TG, Richards AM, Foo RS. Circulating miR-323-3p and miR-652: Candidate markers for the presence and progression of acute coronary syndromes. Int J Cardiol. 2014 Sep 20;176(2):375-85. PubMed
Rachmin I, Foo RS, Razin E. Erbin, et al. Erbin is a negative modulator of cardiac hypertrophy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Apr 22;111(16):5902-7. PubMed
Gaspar-Pereira S, Foo RS, Oakley F, et al. The NF-κB subunit c-Rel stimulates cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. Am J Pathol. 2012 Mar;180(3):929-39. PubMed
Fernandez-Twinn DS, Foo R, Ozanne SE. The Programming of Cardiac Hypertrophy in the Offspring by Maternal Obesity Is Associated with Hyperinsulinemia, AKT, ERK, and mTOR Activation. Endocrinology. 2012 Dec;153(12):5961-71. PubMed
S. Haider, L. Cordeddu, A. Vujic, L. Siggens, R.S. Foo. Landscape of repetitive element methylation in human heart failure. Genome Biology. 2012 Oct 3;13(10):R90. PubMed
L. Siggens, N. Figg, M. Bennett, R.S. Foo. Nutrient deprivation regulates DNA damage repair in cardiomyocytes via loss of the base-excision repair enzyme OGG1. FASEB J. 2012 May;26(5):2117-24. PubMed
M. Movassagh, M-K. Choy, D Knowles, L. Siggens, A. Vujic, T. Down, M. Goddard, M. Bennett, R.S. Foo. Distinct epigenomic features in human end-stage failing human hearts. 2011. Circulation. 2011 Nov 29;124(22):2411-22. PubMed
M-K. Choy, M. Movassagh, R.S. Foo. The human variome: genomic and epigenomic diversity. EMBO Mol Med. 2011 Oct;3(10):573-4. PubMed
M. Movassagh, A. Vujic, R.S. Foo. The 5th nucleotide: DNA methylation and heart failure. Epigenomics. 2011 Feb 3(1): 103-9. PubMed
M-K. Choy, M. Movassagh, H-G. Goh, M.R. Bennett, T.A. Down, R.S. Foo. Genome-wide conserved consensus transcription factor binding motifs are hyper-methylated. BMC Genomics. 2010 Sep 27;11(1):519. PubMed
R.S. Foo. Basic mechanisms in apoptosis and heart failure. Heart and Metabolism. 2010. PubMed
M-K. Choy, M. Mossavagh, M. Goddard, A.M. Sanchez, N.D. Perkins, N. Figg, M.R. Bennett, J.S. Carroll, R.S. Foo. p53 piggy-backs onto NF-κB to regulate microRNA-21 expression. Genome Med. 2010 Jun 14;2(6):37. PubMed
M-K. Choy, M. Mossavagh, J.P. de Bono, K.M. Channon, M.R.Bennett, R.S. Foo. PKB/Akt activation inhibits p53-mediated HIF1A degradation that is independent of MDM2. J Cell Physiol. 2010 Mar;222(3):635-9. PubMed
M. Movassagh, T.A. Down, M-K. Choy, M. Goddard, M.R. Bennett, R.S. Foo. Differential methylation correlates with differential expression of angiogenic factors in human heart failure. PLoS One. 2010 Jan 13;5(1):e8564. PubMed