Foo joins in the celebration for the World Rare Disease Day 2018!!
Read moreGenome Institute of Singapore (GIS) 15th Anniversary GALA
Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) 15th Anniversary GALA dinner at Singapore Shangri-La Hotel.
Read moreAnother Dr from our lab: Dominic
Congratulations, Dominic! Another PhD student from our lab has passed the NUS PhD Qualifying Examination (PQE) with flying colors!
Read moreAnother Dr from our lab: Dr Worsley
Congratulations, Oliver Worsley! Our first PhD student to pass the NUS PhD Qualifying Examination (PQE).
Read moreAnother Dr from our lab: Dr Wong
Congratulations to Dr Eleanor Wong who was conferred her PhD in NUS last Friday. Well deserved celebrations!
Read moreWow. Our lab members are doing well. Five interns have been awarded places at medical schools. NUS YLL med schl: Nicole Choi, Sia Tze Yang, Tan Ting Fang, Raphael Soh Qin (with an A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship). LKC NTU med schl: Wong Chun Jie. Our Research Associate Lim Eng How was awarded his PhD in Molecular Epigenetics (NTU) and is also starting Graduate Medical School at Duke-NUS. Interns Phillina Phua and Lee Li Ting have started their undergraduate studies at Life Science and Biomedical Science departments in NUS and NTU. FYP intern Seow Wei Qiang has also started his A*STAR PhD scholarship in Cambridge. What a wonderful bunch. We wish them the very best and will hope to continue to inspire them towards biomedical science and research.