Ives Lim

Biostatistician (Research Fellow)

Email: ives@sps.nus.edu.sg

Ives majored in Molecular Cell Biology as an undergraduate in National University of Singapore, completing his final year project using Proteominer Technology and 2D-DIGE on protein biomarker discovery in gastric carcinoma. He subsequently pursued his PhD training with Professor Chong Yap Seng working on the GUSTO / DevOS study, investigating the impact of different prenatal environment on the fetal methylome, making use of both wet and dry lab skillsets. Upon PhD qualification, Ives continued as a post-doctoral bioinformatician in the GUSTO study under the supervision of Dr Neerja Karnani and mentorship of Dr Cindy Lin, expanding his skillset in DNA methylation analyses across different tissue types.

In the Foo lab now, Ives runs the clinical sequencing analysis pipelines, leading to solutions for patients with suspected genetic diseases, carrying out targeted gene panel, whole exome, and whole genome analyses. He also performs transcriptome and epigenome analyses for RRBS and RNA-Seq, and advises the lab on experimental design and statistical methodologies.

During his undergraduate and PhD studies, Ives was active in academic teaching. Aside from teaching 6 NUS modules over 8 years, Ives also mentored 12 undergraduate student research group projects. He aspires to be a university lecturer one day and is actively building a portfolio to attain the breadth and depth to be a good mentor to future scientists.


PhD (2016, National University of Singapore, School of Medicine)

Dry Laboratory Skills

  • Scripting and data processing in R, shell-script, Microsoft Excel
  • Proficient in NGS processing software including Bismark and StrandNGS
  • Proficient in data cleaning, visualization, and analysis
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