Cheryl Chan
BSc (Hons)
PhD Student
BSc (Hons)
PhD Student
Hi, I’m Cheryl, a Ph.D alumni of the Foo-lab and the NGS school in NUS. My specialisation is in murine cardiovascular physiology and genetics. I completed my B.Sc (Honours) in NTU and worked in the Genome Institute of Singapore for 2 years as a Research Officer before starting my Ph.D. Even prior to that, I received my Dip.Sc from Temasek Polytechnic, putting me at more than 10 years in the scientific research field. Alongside wrapping up my projects, I am busy mentoring junior Ph.D students or aiding other project drivers in the lab.
I’m a keen learner and a highly driven individual, so my aspiration is to never be complacent and to keep exploring different areas in life. Long-term goals include retiring as a lecturer in my alma mater polytechnic and educating the younger generation, while short-term goals include experiencing more of the world and perhaps finding the next stint that equally exciting and rewarding.
Ph.D in Cardiovascular Epigenetics, National University of Singapore
B.Sc in Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
Dip. in Biotechnology, Temasek Polytechnic
A*STAR Graduate Scholarship Recipient
Director’s List Recipient, Temasek Polytechnic
- Basic animal husbandry
- Murine cardiac physiology (echocardiography, PV loop)
- Molecular techniques (Western blot, PCR, mouse genotyping, gene cloning, next-generation sequencing sample and library preparation)
- Histology (Cryo-preservation and sectioning of tissues, immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry staining)
- Functional assays (IonOptix contractility system)
- In vitro cell culture techniques (gene knockdown and over-expression experiments)
- In vivo knockdown techniques using AAV system (virus production)
- Gene ontology analysis
- Microsoft Office (Powerpoint, Word, Excel)
- Illustrator & Prism softwares