Fourteen years ago, Arno discovered his love for biology in France, while studying the various techniques used in biotechnology, life sciences, and eventually specialising in gene therapy. He spent 2013-2016 in Canada, where he had the opportunity to work with the newly-described CRISPR-cas9 technology. CRISPR gene editing technology is rapidly revolutionising not only molecular biology, but also powering the development of new therapies based on gene editing or modifying the expression of specific genes. Since 2016, Arno has found a home in Singapore, which in his opinion is the ideal country to take advantage of highly advanced technologies, because of its exemplary enterprise in innovation and development.
Arno is a graduate from the Laval University (Canada) with a Masters degree in Cell and Molecular Biology, and completed his second Masters degree in Gene Therapy at the Paul Sabatier University (France).
His research interest now remains with genomic technologies, including the CRISPR-Cas9, where he has previously used it to produce an absent protein in the mouse model of muscular dystrophy. Now he is discovering the cardiovascular field, while continuing to use the CRISPR-cas9 system and other cool stuff!
Arno is a Senior Research Officer in the lab in charge of Molecular Biology. He has responsibilities for the generation of EHT and imaging with the confocal microscope. When not playing with his winter white hamster, you will find him in the lab at night, partying with pipettes and loud music !
2014 – 2016 › Master’s degree cellular and molecular biology › Laval University (Canada)
2013 – 2014 › Master’s degree Vectorology, gene therapy and vaccinology › Paul sabatier university (Toulouse, France)
2012 – 2013 › Master’s degree Health biology, sciences-biology › ufr sciences et techniques (nantes, France)
2010 – 2012 › Bachelor’s degree Cell biology and physiology › institut catholique enseignement SUPERIEUR (la roche sur yon, France)
2008 – 2010 › advanced technician certificate in biotechnology › high school talensac (nantes, France)